History and Origin of the Breed
It would be wrong to think that the age of the Akhal Teke and, therefore, the imprint he has left on other races are only due to legends that the Russians have maintained and told and that we report in Europe without much hope ... B. Langlois, Director of Research at INRA, published in 1986 a report called "The horse breeding in the Soviet Union." We will quote extensively from. His conclusions are based on various reliable scientific studies. The breed is often described as the ancestor of the Arabian horse. The existence of a type of horse in the region located at the site of ancient Persia is attested by many writings. The most recent scientific studies seem to support the contention that there was a race that would be the common ancestor of many races and another between the Akhal Teke and Arabic. P. VIGNERON (the horse in the Greco-Roman antiquity, memory 35, 1968) reports that the Chinese sources and Greco-Latin attributed to Iran horses: a large size and good speed. In addition, they are particularly suited to flat and open terrain. In his book (Domestic animals of China 1969), H. Epstein said that the Chinese Chang Ch'ien, during a trip to the West Pamir between 138 and 126 BC met in Tahuyan in the Ferghana " heavenly horses with the edgy blood. " Tahuyan was on the border of the Hellenic world. The description relating these horses' sweat blood "would be due, according to B. LANGLOIS, in Parafiliari Multipapilosa which is a common parasite in these areas and that is just under the skin making beading blood and mixing with the sweat when the horse works in summer. Examples of written are numerous, which quotes various places in the Ferghana region, or Anau Nisa (now Ashkhabad) and where there are traces of frescoes depicting horses very typical. On gravestones clays found in China, listed horses with small heads, a broad front, well protruding eyes, a straight bevel, long, thin, open nostrils, dry ganache elongated, fine and arched neck, glistening body very well shaped, long and thin limbs, tail attached high, flexible and equipped with long bristles. What about after reading the description given by a contemporary of Alexander the Great when he speaks of Bucephalus and its origin? "They raise a horse out of the ordinary, in the fertile regions of the East, so different that none can match. They are proud, quick and sharp. There are white, some in the colors of the rainbow and other resembling the color of the rising sun. " STRATON says that "Parthians" have the best horses in the world and described as the direct descendants of horses Nigean: typical in color, style and character. The current location of the race thought to be due to a global problem and consequently a problem of food for horses. In the southern part of the Ferghana, which was the nomadic world Turk, the winter is mild and dry summer. Sedentary people have developed a more diversified agricultural economy as nomads. Hot deserts are to develop forms of pastoral economy without traveling to distant mountains, which resulted in the creation of original breeds. B. To LANGLOIS, Kamal sheep, as well as the Akhal Teke, is one. Pastoral society of the Teke people located in the Karakum desert was organized around the stationary nomadism, with a concentration summer around water points. This settlement had led to a proliferation of water points and independent agricultural cells: hence the passage of a society organized around the family clan in a hierarchical society around a military aristocracy who had found a source of wealth " the slave raid "beyond Iran's borders.